ManicMammy's Blog

Reviews, news, family, wine and me

This weekend I shall be mostly

Posted on | April 25, 2008 | 5 Comments

doing a Thelma and Louise and heading off sans childer to Dublin to see this bloke:

and then to Cavan meeting my 3 brothers, 3 sisters, 3 nieces and my Mam to remember my Dad on the 5th anniversary of his passing away.

Enjoy your weekends.

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The This weekend I shall be mostly by ManicMammy's Blog, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.


5 Responses to “This weekend I shall be mostly”

  1. Maz
    April 25th, 2008 @ 3:32 pm

    Have a lovely weekend, sorry to hear about your Dad, but it’s nice that you’ll be able to remember him with your Mam and brothers and sisters.

  2. Manic Mammy
    April 27th, 2008 @ 6:12 pm

    Thanks Maz.
    Yep it’s always a fun weekend when we all manage to get together. We reckon next year we should play some golf, even though I cant really, and then go for a big steak out rather than mass. It was more his style.

  3. Curly K
    April 27th, 2008 @ 9:41 pm

    God its still hard to believe he’s gone and that 5 years have passed. And the golf and steak definitely his style :) Hope you enjoyed the concert :)

  4. YummyMummy
    April 27th, 2008 @ 11:24 pm

    5yrs…seems so recent and yet also a lifetime ago.

    Still missed by all :)

    And damn,damn…how did I miss Lloyd Cole???

    Hope he was fab :) :)

  5. Manic Mammy
    April 27th, 2008 @ 11:55 pm

    Soo are we on for a golf classic next year? or at least a steak run in Caseys???

    Lloyd exceeded expectations. €26 for over 90 mins of an acoustic set, good jibes and banter. Very laid back and enjoyable.

    Myself and Paula were well pleased. Great night.

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