ManicMammy's Blog

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Review of Creativity for kids – Rain and Sun Umbrella craft kit

Posted on | September 16, 2007 | 4 Comments

Creativity for kids – Rain and Sun Umbrella craft kit

Blank white umbrella + fabric paints + permanent marker= fun arts and crafts hour for myself and 3 year old.

A week or so ago when in Cork city centre with my two cailíní, we headed into a really good toy shop on Maylor Street. It’s name I can’t remember but its located a few yards before the giant Smyths toystore.

Anyhow, its packed full of arts and crafts kits, games, jigsaws, wooden toys, baby toys, dolls houses and plenty more. The children love it. Whilst there, the rain and sun umbrella kit took Sibéal’s fancy so we bought for €11.99.

I must confess I usually run a mile from doing painting or arts stuff with the kids. I prefer baking, reading or playing a game with them and Conor’s the papier-maché king here. But this looked straightforward enough so yesterday we had a go!

The kit contains a plain white waterproof kid’s size umbrella, a permanent marker, a small paintbrush and a set of 6 minipots of fabric paint. The instructions were clear and gave suggestions to mix the paints to create different colours and to water them down if you preferred a more watercolour look to your design.

Basically we outlined a few basic shapes on the umbrella using the marker and then painted them in. The umbrella was left to dry for 12 hours et voilá:


It was great fun to do and we both really enjoyed it. The result as you can see, is no great art masterpiece but it’s totally unique to Sibéal and she loves it. She was delighted that it was raining this morning so she could bring it out to show all her pals.

Definitely a success and we look forward to trying out more of the creativity for kids kits.

Rated 5/5 on Sep 16 2007 by ManicMammy
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The Review of Creativity for kids – Rain and Sun Umbrella craft kit by ManicMammy's Blog, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.


4 Responses to “Review of Creativity for kids – Rain and Sun Umbrella craft kit”

  1. Deborah
    September 16th, 2007 @ 8:54 pm

    That looks so cool. Ella would love it… though I don’t think it would be quite as neat as yours! ;-)

  2. manicmammy
    September 16th, 2007 @ 9:28 pm

    Yep Deborah,
    I reckon its a hit for all wee girls and the more abstract and messy the better probably!

  3. Mary Jo Warner
    April 1st, 2008 @ 1:07 pm

    Where do I find the white umbrellas?

  4. Manic Mammy
    April 1st, 2008 @ 1:23 pm

    Hi Mary Jo,
    The white umbrella comes as part of the kit, you dont have to purchase it separately.

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